Open Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Item 1: Market Data Infrastructure
Offices: Division of Trading and Markets
Staff: Brett Redfearn, Christian Sabella, David Shillman, Kelly Riley and Ted Uliassi

The Commission will consider whether to adopt a new rule and rule amendments to modernize the national market system for the collection, consolidation, and dissemination of information with respect to quotations for and transactions in national market system ("NMS") stocks ("NMS information"). Specifically, the Commission will consider whether to expand the content of NMS information that is required to be collected, consolidated, and disseminated as part of the national market system under Regulation NMS and whether to amend the method by which such NMS information is collected, calculated, and disseminated by fostering a competitive environment for the dissemination of NMS information via a decentralized consolidation model with competing consolidators.

For further information, please contact Ted Uliassi in the Division of Trading and Markets at (202) 551-6095.