Subject: File No. 3-15429
From: Annette DeLorenzo

February 10, 2015

This e-mail is in response to our recent conversation regarding the planned distribution for the North East Capital Fund.
I should be included in this distribution and any distribution plans going forward for the North East Capital Fund.
On the SEC website I saw the proposed plan distribution list for investors and I did not see my dollar amount listed, this is when I called Nancy Chase Burton to verify and to look into this matter for me.

In September of 2011, a check was rolled over for me in the amount of $109,191.54. $100,000.00 was invested in the North East Capital Fund and the difference of $9,191.54 was refunded to me also in September of 2011.

In February of 2012 I requested and received a check for $1,000.00. In March of 2012 I requested and received a check for $2,000.00.
Those two checks were all the money that I have received from this fund.
There is no reason why I should not be included in the Fair Fund Distribution. I invested $100,000.00 and have only received $3,000.00 back before the fund was closed. 
Please include me in this distribution and future distributions for this fund.
Please keep me posted to any and all updates and progress made going forward. 

Thank you so much for your attention in this matter.

Annette DeLorenzo