Subject: File No. 3-20171
From: Michael Jones
Affiliation: Medical Resident

July 18, 2021

To whom it may concern,

I have been using Robinhood since it's very beginning, I was on their initial waiting list to sign up. In the beginning I partially brushed off the money losses as hiccups due to it being a new platform. I lost several thousand in a number of minutes due to technical difficulties and trade freezes (not the regulated halts, but those due to Robinhood malfunctions). This happened time after time. I attempted to contact Robinhood for some sort of reimbursement, but to no avail. I will say that I enjoy and support Robinhood, but there have been too many times up to this point of having money loss unnecessarily and not due to poor trading/money handling from my side. On top of what I mentioned above, it is sad to hear that they were taking money in other ways. I feel I am due a repayment.