Subject: File Number S7-07-18: Stop financial advisers from sapping Americans' retirement savings
From: Rachel Iskow

June 15, 2018

Securities and Exchange Commission

To the and Exchange Commission,

I am writing to urge you to stop the exploitation of elderly and working Americans. Last year I received bad advice from an investment advisor that would have cost me a lot of money and undermined my stable retirement had I not been able to research for myself the advised investment vehicle and alternatives.  I am concerned about those elderly and working people who have less education than I do and less financial savvy. Most people have no understanding of investments, annuities, bonds, etc and put their full trust in their investment advisors. There needs to be more regulation of  investment and financial advisors to make sure they are acting in their clients'

I'm counting on you to make a stronger rule that closes the loophole.
Americans who've worked hard to save for retirement deserve peace of mind about their financial security.


Ms. Rachel Iskow