Subject: File Number S7-07-18: Stop financial advisers from sapping Americans' retirement savings
From: Diane Kendrick

Jun. 20, 2018

Jun 20, 2018

Securities and Exchange Commission

To the and Exchange Commission,

I have seen retired friends and elderly neighbors be taken advantage of
and lost their entire life savings. I tried to help a neighbor by
contacting the SEC concerning a fraudulent investment they made on
advice of an investment broker they trusted.
To no avail, there was a settlement but the lawyers got most of the
money. They were retired military to boot. What a travesty! And the
investment broker was not held accountable and kept his license. I
constantly worry if I am making the right decision personally with my
own investments.

I'm counting on you to make a stronger rule that closes the loophole.
Americans who've worked hard to save for retirement deserve peace of
mind about their financial security.


Ms. Diane Kendrick