Subject: File Number S7-07-18: Stop financial advisers from sapping Americans' retirement savings
From: Anthony Adams

Jun. 21, 2018

Jun 21, 2018

Securities and Exchange Commission

To the and Exchange Commission,

At 76 my income is largely dependant on my investments.  Like most
americans, I am not able to keep up with all the various investment
products and services available.  These things have become too
technical and it is so easy to be taken advantage of.  I need my
government (The SEC) to protect me from organizations and individuals
who will unscroupulus practices to profit from my lack of knowledge.  I
need to be able to trust investment organizations and individuals to be
earning the fees and commissuions I pay them by looking out for my
interests and not their own. I'm counting on you to make a stronger
rule that closes the loophole. Americans who've worked hard to save for
retirement deserve peace of mind about their financial security.


Mr. Anthony Adams