Subject: File No. 4-465
From: Gale Gibson
Affiliation: American

July 10, 2018

So, let's get this straight. You got rid of Dodd Frank which protected the public from financial institutions taking advantage of us. You act like no one knew that financial salespersons are supposed to work for their client's "best interest". Seems that your 1000 page proposal does not even define what "best interest" is and now you think you are "heroes" and are going to give us a "new standard" that offers only a few of the consumer protections we had before you destroyed Dodd Frank

Fourteen years later my community is still recovering from the last "housing crisis" and now you have no problem putting the working class retirement at risk.

You need to take responsibility for destroying the rights of the people you were hired to protect. I know you are going to do whats best for for the banks and corporations because they are more important than people, but please don't kid yourselves because you are forced to have a comment page, we think you care.